Wednesday, July 22, 2009

For the!

First things first...

The first gaming session at Laura and I's new place was a rousing success. Thank you all for partaking. I hope to see more of you here next time.

Now, on to business...

Epic has officially been shelved due to problems and time. Thus we are in the market for a new game to take its place. A historical game set in 1850s California as well as a Forgotten Realms game have been put forward by Jordan as possibilities. Concerns have been expressed so i'm going to do something a little different.

Ideas for games have always been put forward and either shot down or accepted by the group. To streamline this system i'd like to get everyone's honest preferences down on paper so that potential DMs can know whether or not their games will be well received or not by the group. I don't want these preferences to be guidelines for all future games. I'd like to think we as a group can be flexable and can step outside our own preferences and try something new every once in a while.

If someone has a game idea they can look at each persons preferences and either conform their idea as best they can to match the group or they can work on the people that would dislike the idea to see if they can't bring them around.

If people don't feel that this is the right thing to do please let me know. Even if everyone else disagrees with this i'd like to at least state my own preferences for the record.

System: 3.5
Worlds: Core or any DM created world based on core. Others are fine as long as the majority of the group knows the worlds background.
Books: All core, expansion, and 3rd party books with DM permission on select portions of others.
Starting Level: 4+ but I can work happily with any level.