Monday, February 4, 2008

By Way of Introduction

The stone steps down from the street lead to an inconspicious heavy metal door set into the basement wall of the building above you. The sign posted above the lintel proclaims that "The Poisoned Arrow" is indeed open for business. The door whispers open and you enter the tomb like tavern. Low ceilings, low light, stone pillars, and deep alcoves pervade here. Considering the regular clientele the dim conditions are probably a blessing. More than one glint eyed glance and half drawn dagger can be seen as you thread your way up to the bar. The gnome working the bar seems to almost blend into the cool shadows behind the counter. Only his steel gray eyes seem to stand out as you take a seat. They twinkle like moonlight on a silvered blade as they survey you. A glass of something, you have no idea what...though judging by the vapors rolling off it its probably strong, appears beside your elbow. The gnome leans in close, exposing a veritable array of small weapons stored about his person, and gives you a wintery tight lipped smile. "A word of caution," he says in a low monotone. "Don't disturb the peace and pay your tab. Anything else is fair game." He turns to move farther down the bar but cants his head back for one last word. "Oh and don't bother the Rakshasa at table four, he's had a rough day."

Welcome to Dungeon Delving for Dummies. I started this blog primarily as a way to post ideas, stories, and questions about RPGs, usually DnD, both for my enjoyment and for the benefit and enjoyment of my friends and fellow gamers. I don't pretend to be an expert on the subject. I've barely played traditional RPGs for more then five years. I do however have enough of an interest in the subject to want to share what I know and learn more. Feel free to comment and contribute. In time I hope to add some of my friends to this blog's contributors.

A few quick words on the links in the upper right corner. The first three of these are priceless in terms of game help. is the best 3.5 core game reference site i've found. It has everything a player needs for any game but core only games benefit the most. The DnD Community Forum is the official game discussion board for the WotC game. If you've got a question about the game this is the place to go. The CO Resource Collection is a gold mine of links to just about every Character Op thread on the Wizards site as well as many other locations. If you're making a character and want him or her built right this is the place to go to make sure you get everything you can out of em. The fourth link is to perhaps the most priceless and most well known story in DnD history...that of The Dread Gazebo. If you know the game you can't help but laugh.

I'm always watching for new links.

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