Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Campaign Possibilities

This seems somehow fitting as a first post for this reactivated blog...a discussion on possible options for a new campaign. The Kobolds and Craven, along with Craven's wife, discussed various options over a happy hour dinner this evening.(should we use pseudonyms here or is everyone comfortable using their names on the web?) We came up with two solid options which may interest players, all of which would start at relatively low levels(1-6 being most likely).

1) A Harry Turtledove style game which involves a standard DnD world gripped in the throws of world war suddenly finding itself faced with an invasion from off planet by technologically superior beings. The waring factions are forced to forget their grudges and work together to rid their world of these invaders.

2) An airship-centric campaign based on a cold war style of world with the PCs as part of a crew of undercover information gatherers/saboteurs/assassins/pirates/warriors working for one side or the other. This provides a lot of action, adventure, and roleplaying which should be able to pull everyone in to some degree.

The first would involve some of the alternate rules for non-renaissance period weaponry available in the DMG. The second is already more developed due to the fact that Jordan has a good chunk of an airship campaign preplanned. Thoughts or ideas are welcome. If these don't interest you please suggest something else and we'll take a serious look at it.


Tom Foolery said...

I like 'em both. Either one is good for me. I shall start thinking of character ideas.

By the by, who's DMing? Mr. Kobold? or has it changed?

~Patrick (My name can be used... I don't care.)

Valakun said...

Either will be primarily DM'd by Mr. K with some world creation and tactical input from myself. I know we discussed the possibility of my character acting as captain in the airship campaign so that I can aid the DM on occasion with storyline/plot problems etc. We only got a bit of idea work done yesterday so we're still far from ready I think unless I underestimated Mr.K's readiness.

Shecky Poole said...

I still don't understand why we have to ditch Patrick's campaign. This seems like a knee jerk reaction.
- Eric

Valakun said...

Think of this as just planning Eric. We haven't committed to anything yet but its good to have something ready if we do choose to go this route. And frankly it'll give at least Mr.K and I something to do while we wait for the group to decide.

With Paul's latest email saying he'll probably be absent for at least 2 more weeks I'm worried about Epic. If we come up with some way to compensate for his absence...either with some sort of rebuild for Mr.K, a general rebuild for everyone, gestalt, etc i'd be more than willing to continue Epic.

Dragon of Dispair said...

if we end up abandoning the epic -- and mind i'm still not in favor of that at all -- i think i'd like to go with the second, the airship campaign. mostly because it offers more non-combat opportunities for me. in role-play and non-combat situations i think more flexibly than i i generally do for combat campaigns, aka, lauren fights like a sorceress and i think that would be too close to what kepesk is for me to enjoy playing right off.

--lauren (which i don't mind being used, but i've also had this username for years and will answer to it just as well.)

Tom Foolery said...

So game plan for this weekend? Anyone have a game they want to run? A tasty one shot perhaps? Sharn?

Tom Foolery said...

I feel as though fewer and fewer people are using this...

Hello? Is there anybody out there?

Dragon of Dispair said...

i'm still here and check it.